I am one week away from departure. Most is ready. A few details to still work out.
Technology is still my greatest challenge. Applying this in the field is not easy. Cold hands, wet conditions, glare on screens, and low light conditions. It all makes working with these items more difficult. It is very possible I will be out of connection off and on during the journey. I will be doing the best I can to keep everyone updated. I want to thank Mary Linkevich for all her work to date and during this expedition. She will be the primary land base team member.
Jeremy says, "It is a great day, this is the time of year where quality vs quantity." As he makes this statement an adult bald eagle soars past northbound, not counted, but magnificent. I look up and take it in, I can make out all the characteristics naked eye, how the Native Americans would have experienced this magical mountain. AWESOME!
Five days to go! Is this visit to Jeremy part of your fitness training - running up and down the mountain a few times a day? This could be why he is wearing several more layers than you!
It was more a training in use of my wireless/remote tech package with cold hands and a glare on the screen. But the hike didn't hurt.
Todd - I know that you're busy prepping right now, but upon your return - it'd be great to have you speak about your experience and maybe do a PowerPoint presentation for one of our upcoming monthly programs at the Kutztown Area Historical Society. I've posted your link on my Facebook page, and we can also get you some publicity through our newsletter. Thanks! Brendan, Saucony Book Shop
Hey Brendan! Lets do it. We will keep in touch and sometime after the holidays we will make it happen.
I knew that you will be famous by doing something amazing Todd!.. Fallowing your blog mate!
Sertac, 2006 spring intern!
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